Category: Data Visualization
Alternatives to Stacked Bars
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Stacked Bar Chart or Some Other Display? As with all charts, we need to think first about the different types and characteristics of the data we are working with before deciding on the most appropriate chart type. We can ask questions such as: What do we need to tell our viewers? Do we need them…
A Lesson from My Dog: Correlation vs. Causation
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In 2022, my husband and I said goodbye to our beloved pup, Juno, and it was HARD. She was a great companion and inspired many past newsletters. Here is a perennial favorite tale. Was My Dog Stoned? I think my dog Juno got stoned at the park — again. On at least two previous occasions and…
Look Here! Effective Use of Icons
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Cliffs and Bears… OH MY! This past August my husband Bret and I were hiking in Cape Breton Nova Scotia when we came upon the following signs: You might think this would cause me, someone who is wildly afraid of heights and hungry bears, to consider different vacation options, but when I saw these views,…