topic: Theory
So, you’ve won the lottery, now what?
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At a recent team meeting, a few of us wondered what we would do if we won the $1.25 billion (BILLION with a B) Mega-Millions jackpot. And here’s the funny thing – not even one of us could come up with anything – we couldn’t wrap our heads around the almost limitless possibilities and the…
A Lesson from My Dog: Correlation vs. Causation
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In 2022, my husband and I said goodbye to our beloved pup, Juno, and it was HARD. She was a great companion and inspired many past newsletters. Here is a perennial favorite tale. Was My Dog Stoned? I think my dog Juno got stoned at the park — again. On at least two previous occasions and…
Design Thinking Required
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The story of modern medicine is the story of our human struggle with complexity. Technology will, without question, continually increase our ability to make diagnoses, to peer more deeply inside the body and the brain, to offer more treatments. It will help us document it all—but not necessarily to make sense of it all. Technology…